Complaints and compliments

We want to know what you think and how you feel about Horizons

If you are not happy with something

If you are not happy with the way something is done in your service, you have the right to say you are not happy. The first step is to discuss your complaint with staff in your local service or support, or their manager.

If the complaint cannot be resolved, you can write a letter to the Complaints Coordinator at Horizons. The Complaints Coordinator will investigate your complaint and make a decision within 30 days of receiving your letter.

If you are still not happy after this, and you would like to speak with someone outside of Horizons, you can bring your complaint to the HSE or the Ombudsman.

Contacting the HSE or Ombudsman with your complaint


Telephone: 1890 424555


Ombudsman (for adults)

Office of the Ombudsman
18 Lower Leeson Street
Dublin 2
Telephone 1890-223-030

Ombudsman (for children)

Ombudsman for Children’s Office
Millennium House
52-56 Great Strand Street
Dublin 1
Telephone 1890-20-20-40

If you are happy about something and want us to know

You can tell us by getting in touch with our Head Office. You can telephone 021 4643100 or send an email to

It is always great to hear good feedback from people who use our services and supports.