In 2018 Roots Coffee House in Beech Hill Garden Centre was developed to give people we support at Horizons the opportunity to develop practical work skills in a busy work environment. These young people are high achievers. They have studied, worked, travelled and advocated for themselves. They are ready to work, and they bring a range of talents and skills to Roots Coffee House. Roots Coffee House helps them to develop their confidence, learn customer service skills and progress to secure other jobs in similar businesses. Apart from the amazing people, it is also an incredible coffee house with a view of Cork City that is second to none.

Roots Coffee House

Following the success of Roots Coffee House, they opened their second location in January 2020 – Roots UCC – in the new Student Hub in UCC. Roots Coffee House and Roots UCC are ready to take their place among the great coffee haunts in Cork, serving Java Republic coffee and tasty treats from the Natural Foods Bakery.
Come and see for yourself!
Roots Coffee House is located in Beech Hill Garden Centre in Montenotte, open Monday – Saturday 8.30am -4.00pm.
Roots UCC is located in the new Student Hub on the main UCC campus and is open Monday-Friday 8.00-4.00pm.